Cahiers du Centre de Logique,
vol. 9
A. PÉTRY (éd.), Méthodes et analyse non-standard
volume 9 of the Cahiers du Centre de logique, Academia, Louvain-la-Neuve
(Belgium), 1996, 168 pp.
ISBN 2-87209-440-7, 980 BEF
This volume is essentially devoted to Nonstandard Analysis. The
aspects considered here are the most varied.
Mawhin considers several kinds of integrals from a nonstandard
perspective. Ortiz develops the idea of 'approximate truth' for
Banach spaces. The differential equations are presented by Perrin
in a finitistic and very economical fashion. Nonstandard Analysis
has a constructive aspect as well, this point of view is investigated
by Palmgren. From the example of Gromov's theorem, Wantiez looks
at the algebraic applications. The pedagogic aspect is not neglected,
a concrete and motivated introduction to the hypernatural numbers
is given by Gilbert and Rouche.
Table of contents